Interview with Buck of the VFW
Q: ”Tell us a bit about
yourself, where you come from and what your motivations are?”
A: ”What motivates me is
simply, competition. Whomever comes out from the back, I consider a
challenge, which is why I'm always ready. I was born and raised in
the Mighty Redwood Forest and life was based on survival. Deer
hunting was a sport from Humans, which attempted to take out our
kind. It wasn't much of a fun time if you can't tell. We were hunted
seasonally in which our parents had to fight for us. We couldn't move
because there wasn't any place to move to.”
Q: ”Was that a reason
why you got into the wrestling business? To raise awareness for your
A: ”You can say that. I
have no grudge against the sport of hunting, what I do dislike is the
lack of awareness of that sport. Some even paying to get our heads as
trophies. Luckily we have a calmed mindset when we look into these
kind of things.”
“What did got me into
the door however was the sport itself. You may not know, but it's
very similar to our style of combat. It's a gladiator sport which
pits animals against animals.”
“How could my kind pass
up a sport as such?”
Q: ”Where did you learn
to wrestle? Who was your trainer?”
A: ”I first learned
wrestling, funny enough, from a grizzly bear. Can't say he was a
trainer though because my group was forced to face off against his
kind, one on one. Our group never had any trainers, we just did moves
on instinct, which works for us.”
“The way we learned
about wrestling moves themselves were from reading magazines that
hunters forgot when they strolled into the forest, as well as
laptops. You'd be surprised what you can find on Google.”
Q: ”You got some mighty
antler, are they part of your wrestling style?”
A: ”They pretty much are
as every move I do. I use the gore as my finisher. I don't intend to
legit kill in the ring, mostly I let the antlers slam downward into
the opponent's chest, which gives the look as if I'm breaking them in
half. I do although am thinking of new ways to use my antlers”
Q: ”Oh? Can you give the
readers some examples on how you want to use ur antlers in new and
creative ways?”
A: ”In a way, use them
as leverage for a northern lights suplex, but not only that,
possibility of just tossing opponents overhead with them. Just need
to train more on how to use them.”
Q: ”What’s your
entrance music? Why did you choose it?”
A: ”Honestly, I don't
know my own music. I didn't chose it but it sounds awesome
Q: ”Who would you like
to wrestle in the business? Why?”
A: ”I already have what
I need in the wrestling business, competition. what would be even
better would be more competition. I would take on all takers that
come to VFW.”
Q: ”What is your most
cherished moment of your career so far?”
A: ”Mmy career's been
relatively short, I still have some more to learn however . The most
cherished moment I've had so far has been debuting. No one expected
someone of my size at VFW when everyone there are just furballs.”
Quick Q&A Round:
Q: ”Favorite Male
A: ”So far, Matt Asadar”
Q: ”Favorite Female
A: ”There was one called
Venus a while ago, she's still my favorite”
Q: ”Favorite Theme Song”
A: ”Metallica - One”
Q: ”Favorite Finisher”
A: ”F5”
Q: ” Favorite Opponent”
A: ”Sparkyz”
Q :”Any last words for
your fans?”
A: ”No, I'm usually a
man of few words. Just know that if anyone gets in my way. They get
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