Interview with 'Foxy' Francine Hernandez

Q: ”Tell us a bit about yourself, where you come from and what your motivations are?”

A: ”I was born and raised in New York City, specifically in da Bronx! My parents are from Puerto Rico, and they always taught me that America is where dreams come true, if you're willing to put in the hard work. So I put everything I got there in the wrestling ring, and even if I lose I am still standing proud, and ready to fight another day!”

Q: ”What inspired you to get into the wrestling business?”

A: ”My mama wanted to be all lady-like and take ballet and stuff, but that's not my thing. I have more fun wrasslin' an ain't afraid to get a few bruises or a black eye. It's a badge of honor!”

Q: “Was was your mothers reaction as you told her that you want to persuade such a dangerous and violent career?”

A: laughs, "She was horrified. But I like hitting the gym more than the salon. And I really like hitting other people!" Grins, "She taught me to follow my heart, though, and I thinks she's proud, even if she doesn't say so."

Q: ”Where did you learn to wrestle? Who was your trainer?”

A: “When I was in high school girls were just starting to join the wrestling team so I went for it. I did ok, but it was eye-opening, it was nothing like what ya see on TV. I still loved Pro wrestling, tho, so when I got a chance to join DCWF, I jumped on it. This may be surprising, but Vince Easterwood actually showed me the ropes early on while I was checking out the wrestling scene.”

Q: ”What is your wrestling style?”

A: ”Submissions with some power moves.

Q: ”What are your signature moves and/or your finishers?”

A: ”The "Foxy Facelock" (Cravate Triangle Clutch) and the Foxy Facebuster.”

Q: ”What’s your entrance music? Why did you choose it?”

A: ”Are You Ready For Me?," by Pretty Vicious. It sounds like it's song by like British people or something, but the lyrics spoke to me. Especially in today's political climate. It's about sweeping away the old establishment and making way for the youth and social change, y'know? Plus it rocks, gets me pumped.”

Q: ”Speaking of old and new establishments, who of the past and present would you like to wrestle and why?”

A: ”Oh gosh, everybody! I've watched a lot of videos on YouTube and heard a lot of stories and I gotta say of the past, Horses Morrissey because she is totally crazy and I'd like to test myself against the submissions Queen Misaki Yumako. Of the present... I think I could take on Sparkles Von Qinwoth. Come on, he's like as big as one of my legs! *Grins*

Q: ”What is your most cherished moment of your career so far?”

A: ”Making "Army Brat" Lexi Landon tap out at last year's Smash of the Champions for my professional Wrestler Status.”

Q: “A new year has just started, what are your goals for 2018?”

A: “Winning a championship would be incredible! But I am happy to keep wrestling, getting stronger and sharpening my skills. It's so exciting, I love the adrenaline rush, y'know?”

Quick Q&A Round:

Q: ”Favorite Male Wrestler”
A: ”Jack O'Lantern. He's scary but in a good way.

Q: ”Favorite Female Wrestler”
A: ”This is hard! Jaxi Velineaux is fun to wrestle with and she's almost as cute as me.”

Q: ”Favorite Theme Song”
A: ”Voodoo Cooperstone's. It's about social justice and gives me chills. I better knock off this social justice stuff before I get called an SJW. *grins slyly*”

Q: ”Favorite Finisher”
A: ”Sarah Jane's "Texas Death Ride" isn't a favorite when it's used on me, but it get's the job done.”

Q: ” Favorite Opponent”
A: ”I'd have to say Jaxi again.”

Q :”Any last words for your fans?”
A: ”This probably sounds cliche, but thanks for your support! I love the applause and cheers, it keeps me going even when things start going bad in the ring, and makes me work harder to put on a good show for you! Te amo!!”


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