Interview with Erick Edwards
Q: ”Good Evening Mr. Edwards. Would you please so kind to tell us a bit about yourself, where you come from and what your motivations are?” A: ”I am a very busy man... successful business do not run themselves you know.... but I can spare a few moments. I am sure that Drake told you that we grew up in Ohio... where I excelled at everything I ever did. When I say I am the "Greatness": it is not bragging... it is truth.” Q: ”Speaking of successful business, why did get into the wrestling business? I am sure there are other businesses, where you could make more money as in professional wrestling. ” A: ”Yes that is true, but believe it or not, I am a fan. I have done various other ventures. But they bored me. I then watched as Drake kept going from indy promotion to indy promotion trying to get in. I saw how popular wrestling was becoming. I had a chance to help a fed with accounting, among my athletic achievements, I am a certified public account. And go...