Welcome to the Blog

Wrestling … is something that is dear to my heart. It is something I always loved. Something that I am still watching to this day in many various forms. If it is from WWE to ROH, NJPW, ICW, … to small Independent promotions, many people may not even know that exists, I watched it, I enjoyed it. But this interest is not only stopping there … no, … other layers were added as I was introduced to wrestling E-feds, which ultimately leaded me joining the Second Life Pro Wrestling Community.

Pro Wrestling at its finest. Shows and Matches shared and watched by mind liked people. A Community as big as it is, only a small part of something bigger that we call the Metaverse. But as small as this community might be compared to others, many wrestling promotions have risen over the past 10 years … some, as sad as it is, have also vanished.

From the current promotions that exists at the moment within the Metaverse, I may only visit and watch a limited among. But that does not change the fact that every wrestler from DCWF, D.I.E, DSE, GCW, HCW, VAW, VFW, VWE and WPWF, are giving their best to entertain the fans. Some more then others as even virtual wrestlers are not save from stress and burnout. Even when they might be tired, exhausted of their Real life, the moment they step in the ring all that is forgotten as they are able to do what they love. Which is wrestling.

Now, who I am?

I am a fan, that is who I am from heart. I may have started to work as a referee for D.i.E, which was pretty exciting as I just worked my first show a few days ago. It was a blast and I am looking for doing more, but this blog is not about me, it is about the wrestlers, wrestling and the community.

So what will you see at this blog?

Interviews with Wrestlers.

Information about Promotions.

PPV Reviews if it is possible for me to attend them.

Tips and Tricks for new wrestlers (with help from veterans)

Various other things, related to wrestling.

I will add new post released to my facebook and to my twitter account so join or add me as a fan if you want to be up to date with what is going on at the blog here.

Cheers, have fun and enjoy the upcoming interview with “The Black Swan” Brooke Owens.
